电影Chronicle编年史 - 看后感
我看了电影预告、看了他们的宣传手法(用人形遥控直升机在NCY飞行)。觉得应该是是不错的电影,所以就选择相信自己的直觉,去看这套电影。 很不错的超能力电影,拍摄手法新鲜, 特别是主角用超能力操控镜头。 非凡的故事,并不是一般超能力电影——好人打倒坏人那类超幼稚剧情。 虽然非常黑暗,有点血腥但剧情有点深度、发展也合乎逻辑。
一般的超能力电影,都有着一贯的剧情,就是一个饱受欺凌的弱者,如何得到超能力,如何学会运用超能力,突然出现一个十怨九仇的坏蛋,然后主角打倒了坏蛋。好人 vs 坏人诸如此类的俗套剧情。但,这套不一样... 很不一样... 未免透露剧情,我还是别细述了,你看了就知道了。
可惜的是,导演貌似为了营造真实感几乎全程都用家用摄像机的手法拍摄。虽然我很欣赏这样大胆的拍摄手法,不过这种接近第一人称的拍摄手法,最终还是辛苦了观众,尤其是开始的时候,画面晃动得我眼花撩乱了,还好电影中期开始画面开始改善了。 但对于那些一味最求华丽画面(这电影的CG并不是最华丽的,但绝对是最真实的其中之一)、超夸张的剧情的观众来说,这套电影会令你们失望了。
个人评分:8/10 绝对值得去看的电影。
I had a Dream...
When I was first introduced to C programming many years ago, I had a crazy dream to create a self evolving and self compiling program which basically can build it self from fundamental rules and fundamental building blocks that I had given to it. The program will randomly take inputs from the network, keyboard, web cam, and etc. Basically any inputs, information and data that is the program is accessible. Then, the program will randomly process the data with any algorithms it can find. Each generation of the program compile a few variation of itself base on random seeds, and they will 'interact' and exchange information with a built-in communication channel. I had a naive thought at that time, it shouldn't be too hard to create such program. Yes, all the data exchanged might means nothing to us. At that moment, I feel that it will eventually become a self-aware and do something meaningful. That time, I wasn't realized the whole concept is something called genetic algorithms. I spent months into putting myself into deep thought, thinking ways to realize such program. After a lot of thinking, I had came out of a theory that the program will do nothing other generating variations of itself that also do nothing... eventually it will become a program that generating copies but do nothing since I didn't program a purpose into it.
After months, I came into an article describing the Halting problem.
This is where i meet the dead end of my geek fantasy...
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