I had a Dream...

When I was first introduced to C programming many years ago, I had a crazy dream to create a self evolving and self compiling program which basically can build it self from fundamental rules and fundamental building blocks that I had given to it. The program will randomly take inputs from the network, keyboard, web cam, and etc. Basically any inputs, information and data that is the program is accessible. Then, the program will randomly process the data with any algorithms it can find. Each generation of the program compile a few variation of itself base on random seeds, and they will 'interact' and exchange information with a built-in communication channel. I had a naive thought at that time, it shouldn't be too hard to create such program. Yes, all the data exchanged might means nothing to us. At that moment, I feel that it will eventually become a self-aware and do something meaningful. That time, I wasn't realized the whole concept is something called genetic algorithms. I spent months into putting myself into deep thought, thinking ways to realize such program. After a lot of thinking, I had came out of a theory that the program will do nothing other generating variations of itself that also do nothing... eventually it will become a program that generating copies but do nothing since I didn't program a purpose into it. After months, I came into an article describing the Halting problem. This is where i meet the dead end of my geek fantasy...

