星际2加速挖矿 StarCraft II 7% Mineral Boosting

有人发觉了挖矿的AI有问题。会有7%的延迟. 用AI采矿后矿工会停留一段时间才把矿运回基地。但是如果你用手动用Shift预先queue up挖矿(shift + right click on mineral)和运矿(shift + c)的热键, 你就可以略过AI(要一直重复), 手动指挥矿工加多7%的资源。


Someone had discovered that StarCraft II mining AI has a problem, the worker will just sit there a while after mined the mineral before returning to cargo (the base). Somehow you can bypass the mining AI by queuing up mining (shift right click on mineral) and return to cargo command (shift + c) repeatedly until the queue is full. Refill the queues when needed. It allows you to gain 7% more mineral than automated mining by using the AI.

Cheers! Now you're not so free during the opening. This might actually become standard opener :)

来源/Source: Early Game +7% Mineral Boost via Dan & Nick at GSL TG-Intel Starcraft II Season